XenForo 2.1.0 Release Candidate 1 & Add-ons Released (Unsupported)


Xenforo System
TC Onaylı
2 May 2012
Web sitesi
Today we are happy to announce that we are taking a major step toward a stable and supported release of XenForo 2.1 by releasing the first "Release Candidate".

After a number of beta releases, the functionality of the product should be complete and the rate of bugs being reported (should) slow to a trickle, allowing the development team to work through the backlog and reduce the number of bugs to a handful. We have now reached this point in the development of XenForo 2.1, so the time is...

XenForo 2.1.0 Release Candidate 1 & Add-ons Released (Unsupported)

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